Monday, May 4, 2009

between worlds

Friday May 1, 2009...6:20am

It's bittersweet, more sweet than bitter, bitter than sweet...our last drive through Sausalito (our favorite city ever) marked the beginning of our next great adventure. Hint...

After many long walks and talks, we decided to trade our waterfront lifestyle in for a life on the water. What? Again? Well, it IS a really good time to buy a boat...and this Freedom 33 sailboat was calling our name. She is sitting patiently on the hard in the beautiful San Juan islands, a place we've always wanted to explore. Either way it will be great, and to make sure we don't forget, we changed her name to either way!

Nick tried hard to fit all of our worldly belongings into (and onto) the car, but alas, we had to get a 5x5 storage unit at the last minute. It's amazing how "stuffed" we got after ending our cruise 5 years ago, and how long (2+ years) it has taken us to shed the non-essentials. You'll be happy to hear Sugar made the cut, as long as she agreed to ride under my feet. She has no idea what she's in for, but she does look suspicious.

Saturday May 2nd, 2009

We were greeted by pink petals and sunshine in Portland and enjoyed the weekend recharging with family. Nothing beats springtime in Portland when the sun is shining!

Monday May 4, 2009

Well the sun is gone, and we're reminded why everything is so lush. I decided to stay in Portland for a week to finish taxes and do facials while Nick makes the initial push to get Either Way in the water. He left early this morning to pick up a great Craigslist dingy in Olympia on the way to Anacortes.

It is hard to believe one week ago today, I was cuddling kiddos in St. John! I am so grateful for this amazing life!

1 comment:

  1. My first posting didn't work. This is the second try. thanks for your patience.

